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Number of Deaths by Leading Causes of Death, 1981 - 2000

Number of Deaths by Leading Causes of Death, 1981 - 2000

Classification of diseases and causes of death is based on the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD) 10th Revision from 2001 onwards. The disease groups for the purpose of ranking causes of death have also been redefined based on the ICD 10th Revision, and new disease groups have been added. Figures from 2001 onwards may not be comparable with figures for previous years which were compiled based on the ICD 9th Revision. Therefore, figures from 2001 onwards have been put down in a separate table.

Number of deaths by leading causes of death (based on ICD 9th Revision) : 1981, 1991, 1998, 1999 and 2000
List of ranking is based on the number of deaths in 2000.

Cause of Death 1981 1991 1998* 1999* 2000*
1. Malignant neoplasms (ICD9: 140-208) 6586 8832 10691 10977 11222
2. Heart diseases, including hypertensive heart disease (ICD9: 390-429) 3829 4858 5060 5220 5537
3. Cerebrovascular disease (ICD9: 430-438) 3252 3009 3297 3491 3553
4. Pneumonia, all forms (ICD9: 480-486) 2133 1819 3691 2977 3041
5. Injury and poisoning (ICD9: 800-999) 1943 1810 1910 2053 1906
6. Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome and nephrosis (ICD9: 580-589) 851 1072 1078 1168 1163
7. Diabetes mellitus (ICD9: 250) 265 271 521 725 830
8. Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis (ICD9: 571) 351 375 418 399 487
9. Septicaemia (ICD9: 038) 215 505 501 412 387
10. Aortic aneurysm (ICD9: 441) 100 202 361 324 332
All other causes 5453 5929 5152 5641 5535
All causes 24978 28682 32680 33387 33993

Notes :
* The figures in the table from 1998 onwards are compiled based on the population estimates under the "resident population" approach instead of the "extended de facto" approach.
The mortality figures in this table are based on number of "registered" deaths.
The disease codes according to the classification are shown in brackets.