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Chapter 1: Introduction

Guidelines on Prevention of Communicable Diseases in Schools/Kindergartens/Kindergartens-cum-Child Care Centres/Child Care Centres 

Chapter 1

Preventing spread of communicable diseases in schools and centres can safeguard the health of children and staff and minimise the harm caused by the diseases.

This video is developed to provide persons-in-charge and staff of schools and centres with some practical tips on prevention of communicable diseases.

1. Introduction
2. Symptoms & signs of common communicable diseases
3. General guidelines on prevention of communicable diseases
4. Handling suspected outbreak of communicable diseases
5. Demonstration


* Handwashing with liquid soap and water
* Handrubbing with alcohol-based handrub
* Properly wearing a mask
* Properly taking off a mask
* Preparing and using diluted bleach
* Handling vomitus
* Handling contaminated linen and clothing