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Vaccination Schemes – Children and Adolescents Aged 6 months to under 18 years / Aged 18 or above studying in secondary schools in Hong Kong

Vaccination Schemes – Children and Adolescents Aged 6 months to under 18 years / Aged 18 or above studying in secondary schools in Hong Kong

(A) Hong Kong Childhood Immunisation Programme

Hong Kong Childhood Immunisation Programme provides free immunisations to children, please click the following group for detail:

  • Newborn to 18-Month Old
  • Primary School Students
    To prevent cervical cancer, starting from 2019/20 school year, Hong Kong Childhood Immunisation Programme has been providing human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine to eligible female primary school students. Please click here to know more about the HPV vaccination.

(B) Seasonal Influenza Vaccination

Seasonal influenza vaccination is one of the effective means to prevent seasonal influenza and its complications together with reduction in influenza related hospitalisation and death. The Scientific Committee on Vaccine Preventable Diseases (SCVPD) recommended children and adolescents aged 6 months to under 18 years or secondary school students as priority group to receive seasonal influenza vaccination (SIV) for reducing influenza related complications such as excess hospitalisations or deaths.

To encourage children and adolescents to receive seasonal influenza vaccination, the Government will provide free or subsidised seasonal influenza vaccination to the following eligible persons:

The Following Hong Kong Residents

Available Scheme / Programme

Details of Service Provider

Government Subsidy / Free

Children and adolescents -

  • between 6 months to under 18 years; or
  • 18 years old or above attending a secondary school in Hong Kong

Vaccination Subsidy Scheme

Enrolled Private Doctors

Government subsidy HK$260 per dose

Children and adolescents -

  • between 6 months to under 18 years , or 18 years old or above attending a secondary school in Hong Kong; and
  • come from families receiving Comprehensive Social Security Assistance or holders of valid Certificate for Waiver of Medical Charges issued by the Social Welfare Department

Government Vaccination Programme

Hospital Authority
Selected GOPCs

Maternal and Child Health Centres of the Department of Health:

6 months to under 6 years old or attending kindergartens or child care centres

Student Health Service Centres of the Department of Health:
6 years to under 18 years old or, age 18 or above but attending secondary schools


Students of schools participating in 2023/24 Seasonal Influenza Vaccination School Outreach (Free of Charge) Programme (regardless of Hong Kong resident status)

2023/24 Seasonal Influenza Vaccination School Outreach (Free of Charge) Programme

Vaccination outreach team (by the Department of Health or through public-private-partnership)


Children aged 6 months to under 18 years at Residential Child Care Centres

Residential Care Home Vaccination Programme

Visiting Medical Officer


In Hong Kong, influenza is usually more common in periods from January to March/April and from July to August. It takes about two weeks after vaccination for antibodies to develop in the body. Get vaccinated early to ensure protection.


Programme Management and Vaccination Division
Tel: 2125 2125
Fax: 2713 9576
Office Hours: Monday to Friday 09:00-17:30 hours. No service on Saturday, Sunday and Public Holiday.

Hospital Authority (Government Vaccination Programme)
Hotline: 2300 6555
Office Hours: Monday to Friday 08:45-17:45 hours. No service on Saturday, Sunday and Public Holiday.