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Vaccination Schemes - Persons Aged 50 Years or Above (Seasonal Influenza Vaccine) / Persons Aged 65 Years or Above (Pneumococcal Vaccine)

Vaccination Schemes - Persons Aged 50 Years or Above (Seasonal Influenza Vaccine) / Persons Aged 65 Years or Above (Pneumococcal Vaccine)

(A) Seasonal Influenza Vaccine

The Scientific Committee on Vaccine Preventable Diseases (Scientific Committee) recommends persons aged 50 years or above to receive seasonal influenza vaccination to protect from seasonal influenza and its complications, as well as reduce influenza-related hospitalisation and death.

To encourage persons aged 50 years or above to receive seasonal influenza vaccination, the Government provides free or subsidised seasonal influenza vaccination to the following eligible persons:

The Following Hong Kong Residents Available Scheme / Programme Details of Service Provider Government Subsidy / Free
All elderly aged 65 years or above (Count by year of birth) Vaccination Subsidy Scheme Enrolled Private Doctors Government Subsidy HK$260 per dose
Government Vaccination Programme Designated Public Clinics Free
All persons aged 50 to 64 years (Count by year of birth) Vaccination Subsidy Scheme Enrolled Private Doctors Government Subsidy HK$260 per dose
Persons aged 50 to 64 years and -
  • receiving Comprehensive Social Security Assistance; or
  • holding valid Certificate for Waiver of Medical Charges issued by the Social Welfare Department
Government Vaccination Programme Designated Public Clinics Free

In Hong Kong, influenza is usually more common in periods from January to March/April and from July to August. It takes about two weeks after vaccination for antibodies to develop in the body. Get vaccinated early to ensure protection.

(B) Pneumococcal Vaccine

The Government provides free or subsidised pneumococcal vaccination to elderly aged 65 years or above. Details on vaccination schedule in different situations are as follows:

Whether the Elderly Has High-risk Conditions# Whether the Elderly Received Pneumococcal Vaccine Before Vaccination Schedule
X X A single dose of 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (23vPPV)
X No need to receive pneumococcal vaccination
X A single dose of 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV13) or
15-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV15),
followed by a single dose of 23vPPV 1 year later

(Received 23vPPV before)

A single dose of PCV13/PCV15 1 year after previous 23vPPV vaccination

(Received PCV13/PCV15 before)

A single dose of 23vPPV 1 year after previous PCV13/PCV15 vaccination

(Received PCV13/PCV15 and 23vPPV before)

No need to receive pneumococcal vaccination

Eligible elderly can receive pneumococcal vaccination from respective service providers. Details are as follows:

The Following Hong Kong Residents Available Scheme / Programme Details of Service Provider Government Subsidy / Free
All elderly aged 65 or above (count by year of birth) Vaccination Subsidy Scheme
Enrolled Private Doctors

Government subsidy HK$800 per dose*

Government subsidy HK$800 per dose*

Government subsidy HK$400 per dose

Elderly aged 65 (count by year of birth) or above fulfilling the below criteria:
  • With high-risk conditions# and attending public clinics or in-patients under the Hospital Authority; or
  • With / without high-risk conditions# and receiving Comprehensive Social Security Assistance or holding valid Certificate for Wavier of Medical Charges issued by the Social Welfare Department
Government Vaccination Programme Designated Public Clinics Free

* Only one brand of PCV13 and one brand of PCV15 have been registered for sale in Hong Kong and the manufacturers supplying these brands agreed to offer it to the doctor at a net price of $660 per dose for administration under the Vaccination Subsidy Scheme.

# List of High-risk Conditions Eligible for Receiving Free or Subsidised PCV13/PCV15:

  • History of invasive pneumococcal disease, cerebrospinal fluid leakage or cochlear implant;
  • Chronic cardiovascular (except hypertension without complication), lung, liver or kidney diseases;
  • Metabolic diseases including diabetes mellitus or obesity (Body Mass Index 30 or above);
  • Immunocompromised states related to weakened immune system due to conditions such as asplenia, HIV/AIDS or cancer/steroid treatment; or
  • Chronic neurological conditions that can compromise respiratory functions, the handling of respiratory secretions, increase the risk for aspiration or those who lack the ability to take care of themselves.


Programme Management and Vaccination Division
Tel: 2125 2125
Fax: 2713 9576
Office Hours: Monday to Friday 09:00-17:30 hours. No service on Saturday, Sunday and Public Holiday.

Hospital Authority (Government Vaccination Programme)
Hotline: 2300 6555
Office Hours: Monday to Friday 08:45-17:45 hours. No service on Saturday, Sunday and Public Holiday.