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Basic Infection Control for Property Management - Chapter 1: Introduction

Kellyjackie (KJ)Host
It is the principal job for the property management staff
to ensure the residents and tenants can stay comfortably 
in the buildings that they manage
Property management staff plays a very important role
in preventing infectious diseases
It is the responsibility of the employees to understand 
more about infection prevention and control
and to put the knowledge into practice in their daily work
so that the risk of infectious diseases can be minimised 
To achieve this objective, we will first need to know what infectious diseases are
how they transmit and their preventive measures
What actions should be taken if there is a 
suspected case of novel / severe emerging infectious disease?
Fong Wai-sang, property manager.  Responsible for shopping centre cperation
Lee Ching-yee, new property management officer.
Responsible for shopping centre operation
Ching, property management assistant.  Responsible for shopping centre cleaning
Kit, property management assistant.  Responsible for shopping centre cleaning
Ling, new property management assistant.  Responsible for shopping centre cleaning